Encourage Kids to Read


Before I entering about reading for kids, I will be asking for parents about kids : Which category is your child in?

  1. Loves to read!
  2. Could take it or leave it.
  3. See and describe
  4. Really dislikes reading

Our goal and I’m guessing it’s your goal too is to get your child into the first category. Yes, they love to read all the books. Reading is the key to success in almost everything, The more kids read the more words they learn from context and the more texts they can access. So, if reading does so many wonderful things, how do you get children to pick up a book and start reading? And how is encourage the kids like when to see the books.

Before that, I had the experience to encourage my daughter to read. Firstly when she was born, I usually gave her a book and I will tell a story about it before sleep. Almost I bought books is import books and full English. Why did I choose it, because actually I really like books, so when I visit bookstores, yes, just to buy it, But that doesn’t mean I don’t have regular books, I have some of them. Moreover, I like when saw she busy with her books, turning over the paper, drawing something in the book, and telling a story with us, and paying attention to her every expression.:)In terms, you can get used to it!! Even though the import books all the things are more expensive but the quality is best that local, they have an accurate description and looks good, many pictures so can make interest in the kids. Moms, if your child can’t read yet, just introduce the books or telling something stories about their fave character.

Motivating kids to read is about helping them discover their own interests and enthusiasm for books. Show them that pages are full of wonderful stories and help them see the fun in reading so they become readers for life.

Here are some TIPS for parents to encourage their kids to read and turn a young reader’s reluctance into enthusiasm.

1.Take them to the bookstore

Not need you to buy the book, you just stay and sit, and you can invite them to explore all the books. Make planning maybe every Saturday or Sunday you can go home with a new book or head to a park or cafe to have an hour of free reading time, adults included. Remember moms, modelling your own interest in books will inspire your children to want to read in order to be like you! yuhuu~~

2. Read together

This can be done from the day a child is born. Reading to and with your child means they associate reading with spending positive time with the most important people in their lives – their parents. Kids love getting attention so spoil them with personal reading time. If they can read herself take turns reading, talk about the story in between pages, discuss how it relates to your daily life and make guesses and predictions about what might happen.

3.Surround with reading material

Until now my daughter has almost 40 books in our home. I always said “Today, Can you read the book?” More children with a large collection of reading resources in their homes score higher and perform better on standardized tests. Provoke a reading habit in your child by having a large array of interesting books and magazines at her reading level.

4.Praise all their achievements and blessed

Last option is praised and blessed. Praise all the achievement your children and Blessed to God because they can make your children be smarter, more creative than yesterday. Recognition and positive feedback can be much stronger drivers than physical rewards because they make kids feel more confident in their own abilities.

“Reading is boring!”
For some kids, reading isn’t hard, but it isn’t interesting either. But it may be that they just haven’t found reading material that motivates them. As parents think about what your child loves to do. Does he have a hobby or special area of interest? Does your son like dinosaurs? Does your daughter like a princess? By finding reading material that piques their interest and draws them into reading, you’re giving your children a motivational boost. That the technique I do it and wherever we going, I always bring the exercises book to study writing or reading a book for her.

I think education is more important, and that’s my principle of life. So our generation must be educated as much as possible so that they are not spoiled, stubborn and are always respected. So starting from here, take your time ya moms..~

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